You are who we had in mind when we developed our platform.
The individual trader.
Whether you are an active day trader or an occasional dabbler, our platform can simply make your life easier. And that is our goal.
We know that some of you sit there all day watching charts, reading web sites, and monitoring chat rooms. You are probably signed up for myriad email and text alerts. You hear about a pattern forming in a chart and you pull up the chart in your favorite charting app, maybe even use the built-in drawing tools to check the pattern for validity. By the time you do, most of the money has been made and there is none left for you.
But, at least you can join all the other traders in the chat rooms talking about the pattern that formed an hour ago.
And do you know who made money trading that pattern? Our users.
Think about it. What if you had an entire array of servers whose sole duty was to monitor charts all day, every day and spot patterns in those charts? And what if you were then automatically notified of a pattern forming before other traders even recognized the possibility?
You could then take a look at the chart in your dashboard, with the pattern drawn, along with target indicators. Then, you quickly evaluate the pattern and decide whether or not to enter a trade. If you do, you will have done so long before every other trader and your profit margin will be higher than theirs. You can sit back and watch as they buy and make you money.
Our algorithm will tell you the optimal target price for entry and exit as well as a stop loss limit. There's no guessing at all.
We are never going to hard-sell you. We won't push our platform on you. Either it will work or it won't. But, based on our testing of a selection of stocks, if you traded completely blind and simply did exactly what our algorithm said to do, you would currently be averaging a gain of 0.17% (YTD) per trading day for day trading and 1.33% (YTD) per trading day for swing trading.
It's really that simple. We cannot guarantee that you will make money, but you will be able to make trades with more information more quickly than other traders.
Then you will be one of the people doing a bit of gloating in those chat rooms.